
Dr. Tee-Joo YEO
Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation, National University Heart Centre, Singapore

Dr Tee Joo Yeo is a Consultant Cardiologist, and the Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation at the National University Heart Centre Singapore. He completed fellowships in Cardiac Rehabilitation at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and Sports Cardiology at St George's University of London. Dr Yeo represents the Singapore Heart Foundation in the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation and is a member of the WHO Ischemic Heart Disease Rehabilitation 2030 Developmental Group.




Cardiac Considerations for Return to Sports Amidst COVID-19

Although the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is still not in sight, it is stablising as life gradually returns to a new form of normal. This is especially important for physical activity, whether in competitive athletes, healthy individuals engaging in recreational sport or those with pre-existing heart conditions looking to improve their fitness. Avoiding sedentary behaviour, along with regular physical activity, are essential in reducing cardiovascular risk. However, with more evidence reporting multiple adverse short and long term cardiovascular sequelae in COVID-19 patients, how can we keep ourselves safe while continuing to enjoy physical activity? This lecture will cover contemporary guidelines and recommendations for physical activity and sports amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in those who have contracted the disease, as well as those with pre-existing heart conditions.


COVID-19 Pandemic: We Connected!

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in enforced and prolonged social and physical distancing. For cardiac patients, this has led to suspension of group exercise classes, whereas many healthcare providers were re-deployed to the frontlines of the COVID-19 battle. Strict travel restrictions within and between countries have also led to many families being separated from one another in different parts of the world, leading to significant stress, anxiety and even depression. Find out how both patients and healthcare workers have been impacted by the pandemic, how technology has played a part in delivering cardiac rehabilitation remotely, as well as available resources for stress relief.

