
Prof. Kai-Hang Yiu

Prof. Yiu received his Bachelor (2001) and Doctor (2012) of Medicine degrees from the University of Hong Kong. He joined the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2011 as a Clinical Assistant Professor in Cardiology, promoted to Clinical Associate Professor in 2015 and Clinical Professor in 2022. He has completed his PhD in 2016 at the Leiden University, the Netherlands on “Clinical application of cardiac imaging: echocardiography and computed tomography”. He has prolifically published over 190 peer-review original articles in international peer-review journals. Among these, he was either first or corresponding author in 70 of them; including over 40 articles with impact factors exceeding 5 (Maximum 30).  In addition, Prof. Yiu was one of the first in Asia (2010, Lepzig Germany) to perform transcatheter aortic valvular implantation (TAVI) and had performed over 40 procedures during his overseas training.

Prof. Yiu’s research interest is based on Advanced Cardiovascular imaging and Big data analytics. By using various cardiovascular imaging techniques, he was able to identify subclinical cardiovascular abnormalities that improves management of patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, he has established and led three important research study projects, namely the Chinese Valvular Heart Disease study (CVATS), the Chinese Diabetic Heart Disease Study (CDATS) and the Chinese Rheumatology Heart Disease Study (CRADS). Using big data analytics, Prof. Yiu was able to evaluate epidemiology in common cardiovascular diseases as well as drug safety and efficacy. Prof. Yiu receives several key external competitive grants, including 3 GRF grants, 1 HMRF grant, ITF-midstream grant etc.. with a total of over 25 million HKD.

Prof. Yiu’s clinical interest includes interventional cardiology (coronary and structural) and advanced cardiac imaging (both invasive and non-invasive). He is also leading the cardiology service in the HKUSZ hospital and currently the deputy director of the Cardiac and Vascular centre, HKUSZ hospital. Under his leadership, the cardiology division was awarded the Key Development Specialty Award by the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission in 2020 – 重點培育學科. He is the recipient of the 23rd Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Quality Improvement Global Award, the only institute in Asia to be so recognized.
